2017 Archives

Browse by date
December 2017 (3)
September 2017 (3)
August 2017 (2)
July 2017 (3)
June 2017 (2)
April 2017 (2)
March 2017 (3)
February 2017 (2)
January 2017 (1)

Browse by entry
2017/12 - Merry Christmas and all the best in 2018! :)
2017/12 - Ния 2017-12-14
2017/12 - Dystopia: Worm destroys half of the computers
2017/09 - Bill Gates is an Android user
2017/09 - My stackexchange profile
2017/09 - Ния / Niya 2017-09-04
2017/08 - Nostalgia is not what it used to be ;)
2017/08 - stefan 2017-08
2017/07 - Script kids
2017/07 - племенница / niece
2017/07 - Joke 2017-07-22
2017/06 - детелини (2) / shamrocks (2)
2017/06 - детелина / shamrock
2017/04 - The ideal IoT gift for beauties
2017/04 - video: 8min, 32MB, 1 crash. dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sda
2017/03 - Cвpaкa / Bird video
2017/03 - Humor 2017-03-13
2017/03 - In ECDSA, without knowing priv. key and any signature one can sign random garbage
2017/02 - Cняг / Snow video
2017/02 - AI story about bot #1
2017/01 - Пиянски виц / Drunkard joke